Tourism Wedding
The wedding celebration is not just about the big day. As it takes a long time to organize a wedding, about 8 months, what it is about is enablingboth the couple and the guests to enjoy a few days of relaxation and do a little tourism after the wedding. So, today we are going to talk about a trip that cannot be missed if you come to Alicante, and that is to visit Tabarca Island
Below we give you some advice about what to do on this gorgeous island:
It is not a secret that on Tabarca the food is wonderful. In fact, one of the favourite plans the people from Alicante have is to come and have a meal on the island. The rice and fish dishes make you want to lick your fingers.But without any doubt, you can not leave the island without trying its specialty, ‘caldero’. .At first sight, it may seem that we are talking about a rice soup, but it is not like that at all -it’s a great gastronomic experience.
If you like snorkelling. Don’t forget to bring your diving goggles and tube to the island! There are several coves where you will see huge banks of fish around you. The cove that is next to Casa del Francés or the one that is below the church are two good options.
It seems to be the national sport of the island. During the day you will see a lot of tourists arriving on the island to enjoy its coves. We’ve been toldthat in summer there are around 3000 visitors a day, and now that selfies have become so trendy……you will find many tourists taking advantage of the beauty of this island to take one
Of course, as you can gather from what you’re reading, another thing you can do on Tabarca Island is to stroll around the streets and walls and discover the island’s historical complex, which is quite well preserved and easy to gain access to. It’s not surprising that the island has been declared a historical-artistic complex since 1864.
If you leave the restaurant area behind and cross over to the other side of the island you will be able to see the Torre de San José. This house was built in 1790 to garrison the troops.
If you continue walking you will find one of the most beautiful lighthouses in Alicante. It was first illuminated in 1854 and nowadays it’s used as amarine biology laboratory for the marine reserve. We ‘ve been told that they wanted to convert it into a hotel, but it wasn’t possible.
The crystal clear waters of Tabarca Island are every bit as alluring as the waters of the Caribbean. Transparent and clear !!! As soon as you see them you will be dying to go in and not come out again for a long time